
I have created this website to share photographs I've taken at various times and locations, the results of projects on which I've worked, and maybe to occasionally write about the experience and knowledge gained through these activities.  I figure there isn't much point to acquiring knowledge if you aren't going to share it with others.  The majority of the projects described are software development projects, many of which were performed as part of my undergraduate and graduate studies in Computer Science, along with a few personal projects performed independently.  If you do any software development work, hopefully these will interest you.  Enjoy!

Read more about Welcome!


Embedding Picasa Web Albums with JavaScript

Over the weekend I moved the majority of the photographs from my photo albums stored with my hosting provider to Picasa Web Albums.  My original plan was to use Picasa's "paste HTML to embed in website" feature to link to the albums from my site, but a quick search of the internet turned up some simple JavaScript code demonstrating the ease with which Picasa Web Albums could be fully integrated with an external website. Read more about Embedding Picasa Web Albums with JavaScript


Qt Notes: Managing QStackedWidget with Qt Designer

While working on my iTunes remote control software, which uses the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework, I found the need to change the contents of a UI form based on system state.  QStackedWidget seemed like the perfect tool for the job, but there was one slight problem; it couldn't be fully managed with Qt Designer. Read more about Qt Notes: Managing QStackedWidget with Qt Designer


The Making of an Easy Program Launcher Button

After watching Matt Richardson's AWESOME Button project video, where he embeds a microcontroller within a Staples Easy Button to create a special purpose keyboard, I was inspired to make a similar item to present as a gift to a user of the software that I develop professionally.  This user had requested that we create an "Easy Mode" for our software to group all of the features commonly used by his organization into a simple and easy to use graphical user interface component.  Since the "Easy Mode" concept was inspired by the Easy Button campaign from Staples, I thought an Easy Button would be perfect for launching the software in the "Easy Mode."   Read more about The Making of an Easy Program Launcher Button


New Electronics Project: Mailbox Monitor for Arduino

The Mailbox Monitor project detects the presence of "snail mail" within an old-fashioned mailbox.  Photographs of the Mailbox Monitor project, along with source code and instructions that you can use to build your own Mailbox Monitor, are available here. Read more about New Electronics Project: Mailbox Monitor for Arduino


Qt Notes: Working with QSslSocket

The Qt cross-platform application and UI framework provides a great deal of functionality to explore.  After working with it off and on for the past two years I am still finding new and useful features to include in my projects.  Recently I have had the opportunity to work with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support, and have put together some notes to group some key documentation points together and to clarify a few points from the documentation that I found to be unclear.  

Read more about Qt Notes: Working with QSslSocket


New Electronics Project: 3D Map Control for Arduino

The 3D Map Control project lets you control the Google Earth web browser plug-in with a Wii Nunchuk connected to an Arduino development board.  A photograph and a video demonstration of the 3D Map Control project, along with source code and instructions that you can use to build your own 3D Map Control, are available here. Read more about New Electronics Project: 3D Map Control for Arduino


New Electronics Project: Ringtone Jukebox for Arduino

Over the past few months I have been working on a few different projects using the excellent Arduino open source electronics prototyping platform.  Source code and schematics for these projects have been available through my GitHub account since I started working on them, but I am just now getting around to putting detailed project descriptions on this site.   Read more about New Electronics Project: Ringtone Jukebox for Arduino


New Software: DialTones app for Android

The DialTones Android application for dialing landlines with an Android device has been added to the site.  Source code for the application and an Android Package file that can be installed on an Android device are available.  Find out more here. Read more about New Software: DialTones app for Android


New Coursework: The Missing Projects

Software projects that I developed for the following courses have been added to Coursework section of the site: Read more about New Coursework: The Missing Projects



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